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Grow with every small & medium brand

One stop product supply solution for small brands, we make suppy simple by DDP terms to let our partners focus on marketing and expanding.

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Satisfy partners with efficient solution

Ensure to offer details to partners within 24 hours as per inquiry.

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Check what other sllers care& inquire

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we help you spend less on inventory,

more on marketing for more sales no

no matter it's effort/fund.

Who we are ?

We are a efficient professional supply solution provider for numerous small and medium online seller or real store owner. We focus on 2 general thing.
Firstly, We have kept an eye on New arrival products and most popular best seller products for the last three months, and keep sharing them to our partners for Marketing test reference.
Secondly, We also source and test/review Products for our partners as per their interest and inquiries,then purchase and deliver products to our partners as per order details based on DDP terms.


Why us ?

  1. Get sample product within 2 days no matter from South/East China.
  2. Offer all product details within 24 hours for each inquiry.
  3. Rich product check and review experience from our previous dropshipping fulfillment project.
  4. Offer on stop service solution, make thing easy for our partners.
  5. 13 days fast delivery for each batch of inventory.
  6. Better cost for inentory compared to local distriutors.
  7. Fast delivery to buyers, and local brand trust advantages compared with dropshipping seller or Aliexpress seller.

Request to Search

Any products in your mind. EMAIL the product link or picture and description for further details. Please also state your target country in your inquiry EMAIL. You will get the product details and offer within 24 hours.

What our partners say

Habe unseren Online-Shop kürzlich von einem Freund aus der Ecom-Community gekauft. Habe den IOSS-Code noch nicht angewendet
Der Freund sagte mir, Valley könne den Versand auch ohne IOSS-Code für uns übernehmen. und ihm weiterhin Produkte liefern.
Kontaktieren Sie also Valley und geben Sie die Bestellung auf. Nach 2 Wochen haben wir den Bestand ohne Probleme erhalten. Es ist so einfach und bequem
mit ihnen zu arbeiten

Fabian Gießler

Mir gefällt die Art und Weise, wie sie unser Beispielprodukt vorführen. Das Produktdemovideo zeigt deutlich die von mir betroffenen Funktionen.
Frau Wenna versteht immer, was ich meine, und wir kommunizieren gut. Und mir gefällt auch ihre hohe Effizienz


Still testing products by FB ads, have inquried and tested a dozen products, while have not found a winning product.
While they are still very patient, and keep quick to respond. Always offer details of product and offer within 24 hours.
